Serenaded by Angels |
I love my ward - that's LDS-speak for a congregation. We have some great families in our small Whittier, California ward and a lot of talent of all different kinds.
On Friday night we had our annual Ward Christmas party. The primary children performed and did a great job. They enacted the nativity, complete with shepherds, angels, wise men and a beautiful holy family.
We were treated to a number of lovely Christmas hymns, and readings from the Book of Luke in the Bible.
Our Primary Teachers played shepherds. They were great sports! |
Our Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus were beautiful. We even had spectacular scenery and sheep!
I love the sheep. The sheep were great.
As was the little angel who sat among them.
Primary President Sister Burns patiently helps a young narrator with his text |
I think Christmas is all about little children. Our little group of kids told the Christmas story very wonderfully.
It was hard getting good photos, as it was rather dim in the hall, but I noticed Sister LeVigne recording the proceedings with help of her iPad.
Viewing and digitally recording the program |
I love technology. What a blessing! It helps us to make and share memories so easily.
Brother and Sister Polhamus sat at a table with our full-time Missionaries. |
Brother Worley and friend |
Our Brother Worley is such a wonderful pianist. He played Christmas songs throughout the program, filling in the gaps between other performers. He has such an amazing gift and is so happy to share it. I really appreciate him.
Brother Comire wasn't sure he was happy having his picture taken |
When you wear a Christmas cap in Dodger and Angel territory that says, "Yankees" on it, you best be prepared for confrontation, Brother Comire... Some of us take our baseball fairly seriously. (Well, not me, but there are some!) Ha. It was a festive and funny touch!
Our table decorations were lovely. There was a lot of preparation that went into this evening.
Sister McKeon, our Elder Rafael and Jolie |
Rafael left for Utah today. He'll enter the MTC (Mission Training Center) this week. He is ultimately headed for the South New York mission, which takes in Long Island and Bermuda, among other places. Rafael recently spoke in our Sacrament meeting (our main worship service) a few Sundays ago, discussing his fight with stage 4 lymphoma as a teenager. His story was very moving. Now healthy, cancer free - in full remission, he is happy to be serving the Lord for the next two years.
His girlfriend Jolie has been my good friend for years - and a real blessing in my life. She has promised to wait for him, but we all know how that sometimes goes! So, we'll see.
Sister Prescott led the singing while Sister McKeon played a shapherd |
We got to sing lots of Christmas Carols, and there was a tasty meal served as well, with ham and all the fixings!
The meal was yummy and there was plenty of food |
As usual, I went around making a nuisance of myself, taking pictures of everyone.
Brother and Sister Rose |
The dessert buffet |
There were all kinds of desserts that folks had brought to share.
There was also lots of great conversation.
Our good Bishop and his mother, my friend Evangeline |
We have a good and kind ward family. I truly love these people.
The Mariner family shared their talents with us as well, and sang a few Christmas songs for us. This is only about half their brood. They are such a wonderful addition to our ward, and make parties a lot more fun.
The Mariner family |
Thanks to the Relief Society, the Primary, and all the others who helped to (as the song says) 'Make the Season Bright' this year!
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