Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gandalf blows through

A winter storm blew through the Salt Lake City area this past weekend, leaving lots of snow at my friend Meldee's house in the northern part of the Valley.

Local newscasters called the storm, "Gandalf".  I say it must have been Gandalf the White!  (Yes.  I am a nerd.)

Meldee sent these photos showing her winter wonderland.

Look at the snow piled on the roof!
The storm began on Thursday.  She writes that many employers in the Salt Lake area let employees go home early on Friday in anticipation of more snow from the storm.  It snowed about 3-4 inches on Friday by the time they left work.  Meldee and her husband Don's normally 25-minute commute for the 10 mile drive home from work took just over an hour that day.

Overnight they had more snow. Their total for the weekend: 29 inches!

Centerville, Utah reported getting 32 inches from Gandalf the storm.

Don was happy to have a new snowplow.  He got a real chance to use it!

Don is approximately 5' 10".
Here he is literally knee deep in snow!
The lows are somewhere around zero degrees (F) and the highs promise to be in the 20s all week long there in Utah.  Brrrrrr.

Here, in balmy Southern California, we are shivering with lows in the 30s and highs in the 50s.  You see, it's all a matter of perspective.

Beautiful as it is to look at, I'm sure glad I don't live in snow country anymore.

1 comment:

Don said...

I'm only 5'7 - 5'8" but who is measuring ?....:0)...Don