Thursday, January 24, 2013

Batman Lives!

On the way to work one day I noticed that ... well, that BATMAN, Bruce Wayne, apparently lives in my neighborhood!

I had no idea.  You just learn something new every day.

And, license plate frame aside, I hardly think a Scion is the actual Batmobile!

So, do you think the real Batmobile's license plate is BWAYNE1?

Sorry about the spots on the photo - it was raining!

Or would the it be BWAYNE3?

The original Batman car
(Photo: ABC Network)
I want to know.

I say Number 3, because I would think he'd have a limo, like a Rolls-Royce as his first car, complete with his Chauffeur -  Alfred, of course.  This makes the Scion Number 2, and that leaves Number 3 for the Batmobile.

Of course, if the Batmobile has a license and registration, does that mean the DMV knows Batman's secret identity?!  Hmmmm.  That could be problematic!

If you were wealthy Bruce Wayne, what would your first choice of automobile be?

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