Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gobble, Gobble

Norman Rockwell's classic Thanksgiving painting
Happy Thanksgiving to all my wonderful family members, friends and all you dear blog readers.  I'm so grateful  you are in my life.  I'm looking forward to a terrific Thanksgiving Thursday, complete with turkey and all the fixings. I hope you are too.

I'm especially looking forward to it because I don't personally have to prepare anything!  Huzzah.

You see, I've been invited to my neighbors for the holiday.  The Thanksgiving meals they fix usually look like the above painting, without the grandparents, or maybe even something like this:

It's true!  My neighbors are delightful cooks!:
I'm dreaming of a plate that looks something like this:

Or, perhaps like this:

Times about three...  with rolls and butter and probably some PIE.  Because Thanksgiving is as much about eating as it is about getting together with people you love.

What about you?  What's your favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal?

For me, I think it's pumpkin pie.

I just wanted to take a moment and say I'm grateful for the blessings that are in my life. I live in a great country, I have a loving family, a kitty who loves me, good friends and a job I enjoy.  These are tremendous blessings.

Thanksgiving just seems to evoke Norman Rockwell paintings, so I'll throw in another:

.. Each according to the dictates of his own conscience
That is the freedom that we enjoy in America.  It's truly something to be grateful for.
So please have a very happy Thanksgiving, wherever you may be in the world!

Look for my next post on Monday, December 2nd.  Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday!

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