Monday, November 3, 2014

Veronica's Crime Scene Cubicle

This Halloween, our company hosted a Cubicle decorating contest.  Some people went all out for this this.  Veronica's cubicle (while rather gory) was my favorite!

The deceased was missing his head!
Detective Anita Klew (Say it out loud) was on the case!

Veronica as Police Detective Anita Klew
with the victim
I find it mildly disturbing that she bought the fake blood spatters at her neighborhood Target...  I mean, it's funny for Halloween, but it's also rather icky.

 I was wandering around in costume, without my glasses on, so pardon the fuzzy photos!

It was pretty funny when the company president, Jimmy, emailed photos of Veronica with the "body" to the company at large and said, "[The] Honeymoon is over for Veronica.  She brought her husband to the office"!

 We had a great day!

There will be more Halloween fun photos tomorrow... stay tuned.  And have a great Monday.

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