Wednesday, March 20, 2013

One Life Is All We Have

This statue of Joan of Arc stands in the Place des Pyramids in Paris, France
Last week, a good friend told me he was dying.  

Yes.  Dying.  How awful is that?

I was shocked and saddened to hear the doctors have told him, 'it's just a matter of time'.

I know that's a bummer way to begin a post, particularly on a blog that's usually lighthearted, but that's life, isn't it?

That, and preparing (like mad) the Easter music for our church services on the 31st (yes, Easter is early this year!) has made me reflect on what is important in life and what just ... isn't.

There is a beautiful statue of Joan of Arc in Paris that I've loved since I first saw it there many years ago.  She sits, triumphant on a war horse, in her youthful idealism, dressed in armor, holding a banner - no clue given as to her coming execution at the tender age of 19, for heresy.

I love the speech in Joan of Lorraine, Maxwell Anderson's moving play about her:
Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing. Nevertheless, they give up their lives to that little or nothing. One life is all that we have and we live it as we believe in living it and then it's gone, but to surrender what you are and live without belief, that is more terrible than dying. More terrible than dying young. 
[Maxwell Anderson, Joan of Lorraine, Act III]

I ask you to consider this thought for today: What do you believe in?  For what are you giving your life right now?  Are you sacrificing your short time here on earth for little or nothing?  

Or are you doing something good, something valuable, something you believe in - whatever the cost or sacrifice may be?

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