Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jack Update

My Jack is seen here contemplating his cat carrier.  He had a another date with the Vet this weekend.  He got his 3rd set of shots on Saturday. 

Jack is doing so well!  He has a magnificent set of whiskers.  His fur is shiny and healthy.  He weighed in at 4.5 pounds.  That's up from 3.6 three weeks ago, and 2.8 three weeks before that. He's just growing and growing.  He was so good.  He popped easily into his carrier and didn't give me any fuss.  It wasn't a stress.  He was as good as can be for the Vet, too.  Today he's a little sleepy, but that's understandable.  We're getting along great.  Jack has discovered that kissing me on the nose makes me giggle, so he isn't adverse to doing that as I'm falling asleep. 

On Friday night I stopped by the grocery store on the way home from work.  I bought tons of cat food.  Jack has a prodigious appetite and eats a lot.  How he maintains his slim physique is beyond me.  He has little body fat.  Anyway, I'd been coming home late all week (we were swamped at work) and I was apologetic as I walked in the door around 7:30p.  "Sorry, I'm late, my dear," I announced as I walked in the door with tons of grocery bags.  "I was buying lots and lots of food for you."

Jack had been watching me carefully during this pronouncement.  Then he lay his little head on my feet.  The message was unmistakeable:  "Thank you!"

You are so welcome, little cuddle bunny.


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