Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stormy Weather!

So I've tried
get this
to not
stop it from doing what it's doing.
My boss was out in the field taking pictures the other day for a project we're doing. I thought the sky was so spectacular that I needed to share these images with my friends!
These shots were taken in the Burbank area during a lull in storm fronts
yesterday afternoon
(Wednesday, January 20, 2010).
We got another storm raging through the area today. I mean, really raging. It was cool to watch out my office window.
However, at one point the water was pooling so much on the patio outside my office window I thought we ought to get one of the engineers to draft plans for an ark and have the rest of us start gathering animals two by two!
I love the rain - love the way it washes off the dust and makes the colors pop. I love that the air smells fresh and clean. However, I must confess I prefer to experience rain storms from the cosiness of my warm and dry living room. With a cup of hot chocolate. And a good book. And a comforter wrapped around me.

We actually had reports of hail pounding the north side of the office complex this afternoon! The wind was pretty wild, too. And, of course, for an area with a Mediterranean climate, and one that isn't used to storms like this, having four in a row has really created some havoc. Mud slides, flooding, roofs collapsing, cars stranded in flood waters, you know, the usual stuff, is happening. Can't wait to see the news tonight. My heart goes out to folks who have been evacuated from areas threatened because of their proximity to burn areas.
I'm lucky my office sits on a hill. Even so, the parking garage had a river running through it last night when I went to get my car! That was a first. And my apartment is also safe - in an older neighborhood and on high ground.
It's supposed to continue raining through Friday. I'm going to enjoy it while I can!

It's real purty, too.
Keep in mind I spent a good deal of my formative years living in a desert. It makes me a rain junkie.

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