Monday, June 23, 2014

Blue Toes!

Tracy hard at work
I decided to do something completely different at my last pedicure.  I know, it's not a big deal to some, but since I usually like my toes to be red or deep pink, it was a big deal to me.

Yes, I opted for blue toes this time!

Happy toes in progress
There's something about having your toe nails done that just makes you feel pretty. 

I'm not sure why I resisted getting pedicures for so many years.  I was sure it was going to hurt, and I thought my feet were ugly.  Then my friend Rose took me to get my very first pedicure.  I remember I sat there while the pedicurist massaged my legs and feet thinking, Why didn't I do this years ago?

My happy toes
So, Saturday I got the deep turquoise color to match my new Sunday dress - and it did, perfectly! (I'm wearing some cropped pants in this photo, so you don't get the full effect.)


My feet are happy once again.

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