Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Little World Travelers

Fred, grooving to the tunes
My mother used to lament that traveling with kids was really hard.  Of course, that was back in the day when traveling overseas meant several long days on board an ocean-liner.  Although she didn't seem to change her opinion much when overseas travel became a long day on board a jet liner.

I think she was referring to traveling with children in general, though.  So that's why my hat goes off to my nephew Daniel and his wife who bravely travel all over the world with their tiny toddler-age tots.  I'm not sure how they do it, but at least the kids don't outnumber them.  Yet.

Livia watching cartoons
Recently, Daniel and his little family took a family vacation to the island nation of Taiwan to visit Holly's folks.  It's not as far to fly to Taiwan from mainland China as it would be to fly there from the U.S., so they're taking advantage of every opportunity to visit while they are still in Asia.

Livia getting a little help from Daddy
The kids take to all this travel like pros.  They're already well-seasoned travelers!

Hello, Kitty!
I loved these photos  - if for nothing else than the "Hello, Kitty!" theme that runs through them.

Hello Kitty Airlines?
I don't know if having "Hello, Kitty!" stencils on my aircraft would inspire my confidence in the airline's ability to get me where I'm going.. or not!

Adorable... or scary?

Maybe it's cute.  Especially if you're traveling with kids.  I'm still trying to make up my mind on this one!

'Hello, Kitty!'-themed Kids Playroom at Taoyan Airport
The airport even had a Hello, Kitty" themed playroom for the children.

What do you think?  Adorable?  Annoying?  Or Scary?


Kirsti said...

Daniel was always a good traveler when he was young. I think our whole family enjoys traveling!

Linnea said...

I think adorable! I love Hello Kitty!