Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Jack!

My sweet kitty Jack , oh, sorry, he says to say "My Macho Cat" Jack, turned 2 years old on the 1st of June.  Well, he probably was born the week prior to June 1st, but it makes it easier to remember if you 'round up'.  

We had a great birthday celebration, complete with a little kitty size cake, and some presents.  I sang "Happy Birthday" and he tolerated it.  But, the best part of all (to Jack) was the present.  It was a shiny, fun thing.

Jack decided he like the shiny, fun thing right away.

 He played with it all day.

After all, it was his birthday!

We played furiously with it all weekend.  We played a lot of "fetch".  Jack's mom doesn't have a really strong arm, but we still had a lot of fun.  Jack is a good retriever and loves playing with his human.

Evidently the fuzzy, shiny thing was tasty, too!

It lasted approximately three days and then died a very happy, exuberant, fuzzy, shiny death.


Happy Birthday, my dear sweet Jack.

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