Friday, June 17, 2011

Jack's Track and the Box It Came In

For Christmas, I gave Jack a Turbo Track.  It was the best money I ever spent.  He really loved it from the moment he got it, and has played with it constantly.  This has involved not only batting the ball around the little green track, which I had snapped together in a 'figure 8' configuration, but tearing the thing apart from time to time.  Jack has also performed scientific experiments to see if his other toys would run on the track.  Jack has since proved conclusively that his mousies and old shoe laces will not run on the track.  This should be of great interest to the cat community at large.

Last week, Jack pulled apart the Turbo Track one last time... and lost the ball for it... thoroughly... and quite effectively rendering the track, well, not so much fun any more.

I got the bright idea to buy a new one, and merge the two tracks!  Two times the fun, right?

So last night we got the thing and laid it all out in an interesting way.  I was so excited and waited with anticipation for my boy's reaction.

Jack dutifully came into the living room when I called him.  He flopped down.  He stared at me.  Then he stared at the track.

And stared some more.

Huh, he seemed to say.  New ball.

 New ball.  Big Deal.
Part of it is blue now.  What's up with that?
 I think I've seen this before...
 But what's this?  This is cool!
 Wow.  This is cool - and yummy!  This is a fun thing!
 Wow.  I can tunnel under it!
And I can lay in it!  Thanks for the very cool box!

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