Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bagged Cat

I was cleaning the bathroom the other day, had just taken out the last roll of toilet paper, excuse me, bathroom tissue, out of the package and placed it in the dispenser, when I turned around to see this!
The glowing eyes in the photo just make it better, don't they?

Anyway, back in my mind I'm thinking smiert bagonam!  Smiert plastik bagonam, or death to plastic bags!  Every cat has a thing about bags.  They have to inspect them, hunt them, kill them, and take possession of them.

Smiert plastik bagonam is my take on the old Russian smiert spionam (death to spies) from the James Bond novels.  Okay, I confess, while other little girls were reading Anne of Green Gables, I was knee deep in Ian Fleming's books.  And I apologize to everyone out there who actually speaks Russian.  Like my cousin Alan's entire family.

But I digress.

Jack's foray into plastic bag 'ownership' left me in stitches, as did the fact that he just sat there, sweetly looking at me from inside the thing, while I ran to get the camera and took his picture.  That made it even funnier.

Here's to Jack.  The intrepid slayer of plastic bags!  My hero.

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