Monday, May 2, 2016

Tulip Time In Oregon

Desiree's Tulip Pots
Okay, I'm late with this one.  Tulip Time has technically passed, but I have been a slug about posting anything for the past few months, and I'm trying to make up for it.

So there.

Desiree, my Oregon correspondent, writes that her pots popped up with Hyacinths in February, and in March came the Tulips in Easter colors!  You can see from the above photo she wasn't kidding.

Right now the Lily of the Valley and Columbine are probably in bloom.  We'll have to see them later, I suppose.  By July the garden will be going crazy with blooms of all kinds.

I asked for a photo of her kitty Rocky - a very macho kitty like my Jack - and I got this note:
I finally cornered Rocky in the bathroom to get him to sit still so I could get a picture of him.  He's a "lounger" ...
I also notice he's sticking his tongue out at his human mom as she's trying to take his photo.  He's a little character!

Rocky sticking his tongue out.  He doesn't like photos!
Under her young cherry trees, Desiree has planted Apricot Perennial Tulips.  I didn't know there were perennial tulips until I read her post and saw the photo.  They're pretty, too, aren't they?

Meanwhile, in other parts of her garden, the white and pink bleeding hearts were just beginning to bloom (in the back, below), while the Adder Tongue (foreground) are looking lovely.

Adder Tongues and Bleeding Hearts
I love the colorful names these beautiful flowers have.

Thanks for sharing this brief tour of parts of Desiree's Oregon garden with me.

Happy Monday!
Have a great week!

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