Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Family Home Evening

Livia and Fred reading together
I'm glad to read that my nephew Daniel holds Family Home Evening.  This is the one night a week - usually Monday night - where the family gets together to read scriptures, have activities and interact positively as a family.

Running races in the kitchen
Family Home Evening was held in my home growing up.  Sometimes on a hit and miss basis, but we did it!  Moving forward, my brother has been faithful in holding Home Evening with his family, and I see the blessings that come from this being passed along to the next generation.

Who will get the chair?
In the Old Testament we read:
13 And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Isaiah 54:13

Fred and Livia with their new brother, Olaf
If you want to have a happy, peaceful home, take the time to do positive activities together as a family.  It helps to designate one night a week for that purpose with no other interruptions.

Read the scriptures, play games, discuss family problems, pray and laugh together. It's simple, really.

That's what it's all about.

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