A crowd of women gathering for the brunch |
I belong to The Relief Society, a women's organization. I'm proud of my membership. The Relief Society does some incredible things all over the globe.
The Relief Society celebrated its 173rd birthday on March 17th, making it the oldest women's organization in the world. It is also the largest women's organization, with over six million sisters in 170 countries.
Before the program, tables were beautifully decorated, and a "Photo Booth" was set up (left) |
In Whittier, we celebrated with a birthday brunch on the Saturday before. This was a very well attended affair - and a very delightful one.
Every table was beautifully decorated |
I always have a good time with my Relief Society sisters. They have blessed my life in countless ways.
I just realized with all the picture taking that I didn't snap a photo of our Stake Relief Society President, Ellen Balke. I can't believe I did that. Our wonderful Ellen was in charge of all of this, and you could see the thoughtful preparation that had gone into everything that was done, from printed programs, to table decorations, to menu, to the very sweet program that was presented.
It's not easy to put on a brunch for a couple hundred women in both English and Spanish!
There was luscious fruit and all different flavors of terrific homemade muffins |
"Charity Never Faileth" is the motto of the Relief Society.
I gathered at one of the tables filled with other women from my congregation. We always have a good time together.
My dear friend Nancy |
The program was filled with music, which was so nice. A Women's Ensemble, made up of women from our Stake performed a number composed by my friend Barbara Randall Klein. Barbara was a good friend who passed away a few years ago, and I still miss her very much. The song, entitled "Strengthen Thy Sister" was really lovely. Barbara was a woman of many talents and her life blessed mine in so many ways. She was a former Ward and Stake Relief Society President and a woman of faith and commitment.
The Ensemble did a wonderful job on this number. Their accompanist was Trina Dunford.
Diana, Caitlyn, Rosalie, Kathy, Julie, Claire and Meredith (not standing in that order) This lovely small chorus sang a beautiful number for us |
Brunch was yummy. We all dug into the casserole with gusto!
The egg, cheese and ham casserole disappeared before I could get a photo of it! |
Every table had fruit and muffins, too.
The muffins were delicious and disappeared quickly too! |
The theme of this brunch was "Sisters in Zion Anxiously Engaged in the Best Causes".
The main speaker was Sister Powell, the wife of our Stake President. She showed some lovely videos to get across the point of her keynote speech, which was titled, "Oh, God, what wouldest thou desire of me?"
Sister Powell and her Spanish language translator |
The proceedings were all translated into Spanish by a very capable young woman, whose name I didn't catch. P
Kimmy and one of her friends |
It's always fun to see my friends from across Whittier that I don't normally get to see on a regular basis, like Kim (above) and others. We really are a loving sisterhood.
Jackie Kaline, violinist, performed for us |
Another one of the highlights of the program was violinist Jackie Kaline, who performed "Meditation" by Jules Massenet. I really enjoyed her artistry.
The "Photo Booth" was available to all |
A "Photo Booth" was set up on one side of the hall, complete with a professional photographer, who is also a member of our group.
President Powell was the only man there. He came to run tech for his wife. |
Our good Stake President was on hand to handle the audio-visual portion of his wife's presentation. He is such a good man.
I'm so blessed to associate with all of these good people!
Nancy and Sister Allen, a senior missionary serving in our Ward |
What a lovely morning we spent together. Not a bad way to celebrate a world-wide sisterhood!