Jack is a serious young man |
I love the shot of Jack above. He looks like a young, intense actor posing for his first head shot. Doesn't he look ready to tackle Hamlet or Torvald Helmer in a production of Ibsen's A Doll House?
Jack is a sweetheart, but as I have mentioned before, he is a
muy macho kind of guy.
It's taken years to get his wiggles out. He now will actually submit to being a lap cat for a few minutes every morning.
It's darn amazing, I tell ya!
Jack enjoys morning cuddles with his mom at the start of each day |
Here we are discussing the news of the day (above), right after breakfast. It's our cuddle, er, I mean, our discussion time.
After that, Jack has a bit of a workout. (See below)
Jack has fun playing |
I love the above photo because, even in its fuzziness, it shows you his fantastically long and flooooofy tummy fur. It grows in two different directions and comes to a point right at the bikini line. This makes for an adorable cowlick that I love tickling. He was actually half sitting, half standing while playing with me in this photo. He is very cute when he does this. But please don't tell him that! It would destroy his
muy macho image!
You probably should NOT mention that I love his long flooooofy tummy fur, either. He's sensitive about some things. And did I mention he's
muy macho?
I did?
Well, it's true.
My guy Jack. He's my man.
Jack is an intelligent, well-rounded young kitty cat man |
I'm going to enjoy a long Labor Day Holiday weekend with my guy!
Look for my next blog post on Wednesday, September 3rd. Enjoy your holiday!
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