Friday, June 7, 2013

Kitty's in the Garden

Angelique Tulips
My friend Desiree's kitty Angel loves her garden.  Desiree has a lovely one, you know, where the Angelique Tulips were having their final bloom of early spring when these photos were taken a couple of weeks ago..
Angel going to the garden
Kitties love gardens.  Little Miss Angel is no exception.  She enjoys the flowers and grass so much that she lets herself out and then sneaks to her current favorite place... rolling in the dirt.

Yup.  Forget the beautiful flowers! That favorite place, at the moment, is in the dirt, right between the snap peas and the beans!
Caught napping in the garden
It's early days yet in the Pacific Northwest - Spring has finally begun, but the verdure is yet to come.  Still, Angel is enjoying her time in the sun.

Here she is (above) playing stealth kitty, blending in with her surroundings.  Very tricky these kitties!  

Angel is content to nap in the dirt, while her pal Rocky is happy to stay indoors under the quilt until the weather warms up a bit more.

If I were there, I think I'd vote with Rocky, for now.

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