Friday, January 25, 2013

Remodeling the Castle

Jack inside his Christmas Present - a new castle
Every man's home is his castle.  In Jack's case, his castle was a Christmas gift, this past Christmas, that he immediately liked a lot. He enjoyed playing inside it and on top of it.

He was King of all he surveyed.
Jack, the king of the castle

But then, one day not long after Christmas, my Jack, the little kitty engineer, decided to make some home improvements.

And so, the renovations to his castle began!

Jack calculated his remodel carefully
Pretty soon he was chipping away at the walls and towers - one mouthful at a time.

It was a tough job, but he was relentless.

Renovating the castle bit by bit and bite by bite
I didn't understand his overall plan at first, not realizing the extent of this major remodel.  It turns out Jack prefers a more modern, streamlined look for his castle.

Hard at work
The towers began to come down, one by one.

The ramparts... slowly disappeared!

Jack spit out the construction materials, one mouthful at a time onto our carpet.

Lucky me.  I have apparently been designated construction site clean-up supervisor.

The construction site wasn't pretty
You can still see Jack's colorful mousey toy inside the castle.  It was left to fend for itself as the walls disintegrated.  Poor thing.

However, the carpet saw the worst of the destruction.

Jack checks the new, improved Castle space
Jack finally is getting the wall down to where he wants it.  I noticed he's apparently aiming for chin-high support, when he lies down on top of his castle.

Like most major remodels, it's been a long, tough job.

What a funny little guy.

Jack, my little kitty engineer.  He's pretty darn amazing.

1 comment:

Breezer said...

I love this! He's all "now then... this is more to my liking." HAHA!