Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Paradise in Black and White

It's funny how different a place can seem in black and white.  It's almost as if you're suddenly transported to the 1940s and 50s!  You know what I mean, like any minute Esther Williams will appear in a swimsuit looking like a goddess wandering through the palms -  followed by some great actor like Don Ameche or (sigh) Cesar Romero in a white dinner jacket.

Those were the days.

Don't you love that brooding sky as a storm approaches over the water?  It's beautiful.

Here is a Fort Lauderdale, Florida beach before a storm.  (And way before Hurricane Sandy hit!)

Get ready for some rain!
- Photos: J.D. Evensen
What seems interesting to me is that, while there are many similarities between the East and West coasts of America, they are very different.

I still prefer the West Coast!  What's your vote?

1 comment:

Linnea said...

East Coast! Just because I'm here, feel like I needed to come represent.. ;)