Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter

I loved this photo of my good friend Holly Berry and just had to share!  Holly is very shy in person, but a very sweet doggy.  I love her smile in this photo. I understand Holly had to be coaxed to stick the basket handle in her mouth with a little peanut butter, but still... she looks too adorable not to share with everyone!

And now from the silly side of Easter, to the more serious one:

"Our Savior lived again. The most glorious, comforting, and reassuring of all events of human history had taken place—the victory over death. The pain and agony of Gethsemane and Calvary had been wiped away. The salvation of mankind had been secured. The Fall of Adam had been reclaimed. The empty tomb that first Easter morning was the answer to Job’s question, 'If a man die, shall he live again?' To all within the sound of my voice, I declare, If a man die, he shall live again. We know, for we have the light of revealed truth."
—President Thomas S. Monson, "He Is Risen: A Prophet’s Testimony", Liahona, Apr. 2012

May you enjoy your Easter holiday, ever reminded of the wonderful gift that the Savior of the World gave freely to each of us.  May we be ever mindful of that great sacrifice!

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!  

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