Our handsome graduate, Nils |
Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I graduated from BYU 42 years ago! It's great to see Nils follow in my footsteps... okay, his Dad graduated from BYU as well, so possibly, just possibly, he's also following his Dad's footsteps.
And his brother Daniel's footsteps.
And his sister Linnea's footsteps.
Yes, we're a True Blue BYU family.
Nils and his Sweetheart, Rachel |
Nils received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics. We're really proud of him.
Christian, Nils, Daniel, and their parents |
In fact, practically the whole family was there for the occasion! Brother Daniel and his lovely wife Holly and their three children are on home leave right now, gearing up for their next assignment in Beijing, China. Nils' maternal grandparents came down from the State of Washington to see the great-grandkids and attend the graduation. His Aunt Anna and Uncle Hans were also on hand. Anna lives in Texas with her husband and their two children. Hans and his wife are also in the Pacific Northwest. Nils' paternal step-grandmother, Merlene, was also there.
It was a veritable family fun fest.
I sure love all these people. I wish I could have been there, too!
Nils looked very handsome as he stepped across the stage to receive his diploma. It was touch and go there for a while as to whether he would manage to get his cap and gown before the ceremony!
He's a funny kid - and sometimes a bit forgetful.
Nils receiving his Bachelor of Science degree |
Later, there were lots of photo ops. I'm glad all the photographers shared with me!
The boys are doing fine! |
The photo above of the brothers is just missing our Missionary, Elder Anders, who is currently serving the Lord in the great state of Texas...
4th brother Elder Anders (right) and a recent missionary companion pose for the camera |
... and their beautiful sister Linnea, who lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband and adorable little baby girl, Annika.
Sister Linnea with a happy little Annika |
Now you know the whole story and we can continue with the graduation photos, because I'm a proud Auntie and have to share!
Nils and Merlene |
BYU President Worthen announced they were having a meet-and-greet for all the graduates on Friday morning (Aug 14th). My family went and, to their amazement, discovered a very short line. They were able to get this great photo with the Worthens, who were very gracious.
A special moment with BYU President Worthen and his lovely wife
(L-R) Merlene, Dad Jay, Sister Worthen, President Worthen, Nils, Mom Kirsti and Rachel |
Of course, it wouldn't be a proper family event without a group photo!
The Whole Family (with a few exceptions)!
(L-R) Christian, Holly with her kids Livia, Fred and baby Olaf in front of her, Merlene, Morfar Merwyn, Mormor Britt, Nils, Mom Kirsti, you can just make out Daniel standing behind her, Kirsti's sister Anna and her two beautiful daughters, and Kirsti's brother Hans. (I love the little photo-bomber guy in the graduate cap in the lower right-hand corner of the photo! Cute.) |
I'm so proud of Nils! I've heard the Economics program at BYU is a difficult one and he did very well. He already has a great full-time job with a nationally recognized marketing firm, and is doing well in the world. That's better than I had when I graduated from BYU!
Again, Congratulations, Nils!