Julie cracking up over her gift |
Many years ago my singular group of friends gave up on trying to find a Saturday in December that was free and good for everyone, and began holding our main Christmas party in January. It was too hard to compete with work, church and family parties during the holidays, and even if we found a day to meet, someone was always rushing off early to be somewhere else.
Holding our party in January means no competition from other distractions and leaves us with a whole day to hang out, eat, have fun, talk, laugh, and exchange gifts.
It's become a tradition, now with the Crew. In fact, this year a new phrase was coined, "Merry Crew-mas".
Julie and Laura look on while Peggy gives her "look of joy" |
For many of us, family is far away, and this is the only "real" Christmas fun we have. Let me just go on record as saying no kid could have a better Christmas, than the 16 of us adults who celebrate "Crew-mas" together.
Paula showing off her new journal |
For one thing, we've all been friends for many years. Many, many years. That makes us more family, in some ways, than friends.
Maura smiling for the camera |
Secondly, we're all bound together in a geeky, nerdy, fannish bond. (Yes, we are fannish. Don't ask. We're all a little crazy.)
Mark and Robin watch Jackie open her gift |
The house where we held the gathering was beautifully decorated with lights, as you can see. And we all went a little crazy with the talking and laughing and eating way too much. I arrived around 2 on Saturday and left at... um, ... 2 on Sunday.
Rooting for the BYU Volleyball team in the middle of the festivities |
and we open a LOT of presents. A BOAT LOAD OF PRESENTS.
There were so many presents there wasn't room for them in the living room. They had to be staged in the back bedroom!
Presents abound in the back bedroom |
This is always such a wonderful end to the holiday season. It gives me something to look forward to every year once actual Christmas and New Year celebrations are past.
I have the best friends, ever. Thanks for a very Happy Crew-mas!
(Photos by Elaine)