Youth from the Whitter, California Stake re-enacting their Pioneer Heritage |
Happy Pioneer Day!
If we were in Utah right now (and maybe YOU are, but I'm not) we'd have the day off work because it's a recognized State Holiday. I wish I had the day off, therefore it would be nice to live in Utah - well, at least today.
The 24th of July marks the day in 1847 when an advance company of Mormon Pioneers entered the Salt Lake valley and Brigham Young uttered those immortal words:
This is the right place!
He was later to say he had seen the valley so many times in vision that he recognized it immediately when he saw it.
Today, to mark the event, Utahans get the day off and celebrate with parades. The Days of '47 Parades are a lot of fun!
The South Jordan Stake was in charge of one of these beautiful floats. It was on display at the South Towne Expo Center a couple of nights ago for a special float preview.
It takes a lot of talent - and more especially hard work - to put one of these together!
Firmly Anchored to the Future
South Jordan Glenmoor Stake's entry in the Parade |
Hundreds of volunteer hours are spent building and decorating these beautiful floats.
They are lucky in that there are no rules against using non-vegetable materials, such as in the Rose Parade of Pasadena, California. For Days of '47 parades, which are held all over Utah, I think the general consensus for float building guidelines is to avoid the overuse of actual pioneers and crickets!
The SLCC Marching Band |
Among the marching bands who will be performing, is the Salt Lake Community College Marching Band. The SLCC doesn't actually have a band, so they assemble kids from all over the area every summer to march at events such as this.
Sorry this photo is blurry, but the kids were all in motion. That's my nephew Anders in front (second from the right) playing the clarinet. Although the parade isn't until 9 .m., I was told he had to be ready to march at 7:30 a.m.this morning!
Brigham Young (my hero) helped settle Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada and parts of Wyoming and California as well. I can't imagine what the western United States would be like today without his influence. We do well to honor the pioneers who forged a civilization from the uncharted wilderness, mountains and deserts, of this vast country.
They, the
builders of the nation,
Blazing trails
along the way;
for generations
Were their deeds
of ev'ry day.
Building new and
firm foundations,
Pushing on the
wild frontier,
Forging onward,
ever onward,
Blessed, honored
Text: Ida R.
Alldredge, 1892-1943. (c) 1948 IRI
The Days of '47 Parade passing through downtown Salt Lake |
Have a Happy Pioneer Day!