How lucky I am to have been able to visit with my family this Christmas! Everything was perfect - requisite cold and snow on the ground, plenty of cheer, a baby, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, and tons of presents! I arrived late on the Wednesday, the 23rd, a day the Norwegians call "little Christmas eve". I was met at the airport by my brother and my handsome 15 yr-old nephew, Anders. Once home, Anders and his brother Nils (19) kept me up until after 2 a.m. talking. (Yes, it was all their fault, not mine! ha.) The next day went quickly as more people, family and friends, arrived to celebrate. My sister-in-law took it all in stride, passing out clean sheets and towels, pickled herring and Swedish meatballs with equal aplomb. It was such fun! I had five days of family, lots of talking and good food. A great combination! One highlight was finally meeting Fredrik Gustav, my first great nephew (4 months). Another highlight was hearing my nephews Nils and Daniel play a violin duet in our Sunday church service, with their mom accompanying them on the piano.
Santa popped by for a quick photo op! He just barged right into the living room to our surprise and delight.
My brother read the Christmas story out of the scriptures, and put the rock from Bethlehem on the Christmas dinner tabl
e.. maybe it was there when the shepherds heard the angels? Who knows? We observed our traditions, Norwegian, Swedish and American.

I got a chance to renew friendshps and see aunts and cousins.
It was the best vacation I've had in a very long time. I love my family. Merry Christmas to all!